7 Week 1-on-1 Leadership Coaching Program


This program is founded on 3 pillars that branch off into 7 drivers.


The program starts by deconstructing a clear vision using a unique 4 step one page plan. This vision not only includes your business structure but also how you want to live your life. So many leaders have the money but don’t have the time to enjoy it - this is not the approach you will find here.


Next is focus which relates to defining your “high impact” work and priorities towards the mission. It’s about getting rid of all the menial tasks that are stopping you from playing big. It’s about starting to say no. Closing your door and learning to delegate using the 4 steps delegation process.

It’s about channeling all your time and energy towards your vision. As the proverb goes “Chase two rabbits, catch none.”


Lastly, commitment is about blocking off time in your schedule for disciplined work that will lead you to the vision. It’s a time frame that prepares the business for growth. It includes the 3 roles of leadership and the 4 circles of communication in order to eliminate drama, create alignment in your team and drive the vision forward.


The VFC® method is a concept with practical tools used by leaders around the world to clarify, simplify, and achieve their vision. Look at your business in a whole new way – through the lens of Vision, Focus and Commitment.

There's a reason you've come this far and there's no reason you can't get much further.

Hundreds of business leaders like you – who have reached 1 million in revenue in their service business with 10-50 employees – have achieved rapid growth and a more balanced life with my VFC® method.

You didn’t jump into business to feel burned out or stuck in place. The VFC® method gets you “unstuck” by organizing the hundreds of challenges you face every day and making them more manageable.

You’re able to solve issues before they become problems, get the right people in the right seats, make meetings so productive that you actually look forward to them, and build a culture of accountability.

When you start to implement my VFC® method, everyone is working toward the same goals. Your business runs more smoothly and profitably. You break through the ceiling to achieve growth. And you simply enjoy life more.

What You Get:

Unlike other programs where you’re paired up with certified amateurs with little to no experience. Coach Jean-Luc has decided on a quality business model where you work directly with him 1-on-1.

Having said that, he is limited in space and only chooses to work with people he enjoys to work with which he will evaluate in the discovery call.

What You Get:

  • Weekly 1-on-1 video coaching Guidance from Jean Luc. Every Monday or Wednesday (depending on availability)

  • Accountability Progress Tracking

  • Weekly Templates

  • Text messaging support

What You Can Expect

By the end of the 7 weeks you can expect to be in total control of your future. To be fired up with motivation and to have a clear path for yourself and your team to get to the next level.



To Qualify

You must be running an established service business with over 1 million dollars in revenue per year.


$2999 USD

I don’t work with everyone.


Apply Now

Still Unsure?

Book a discovery call